Friday, May 29, 2009


Earlier today whilst sitting out side I attempted to write an entry on my blog. I got half way through and deleted it because it was rubbish. Once I had finished my sermon for Sunday morning, I had a little read of my book (The last word and the word after that by Brian Mclaren) and came across this little gem of a quote.

"The success of a church isn't measured by the numbers who attend but by the formation of people as agents of God" (Mclaren, 2005:196).

Yes, Yes, Yes...... I thought to myself. I have blogged about being agents before but this has renewed my thinking regarding "church growth" not being numerical but about the development of the people engaged in a relationship with God as missionaries and agents in there own home, neighbourhood and community. The church doesn't need programme or projects to be successful but people who will be disciples and missionaries in the own back garden.
Having just gone through the process of recording statistics for our activities, I have been wonder if it really matters (I have done them and with time to spare). Do those numbers truly represent the movement of God or are they a way of justifying our existence.
My prayer for Aspley is that the numbers become irrelevant but the storeys they represent become the priority of the hearts of Gods agents.

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