Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Rebuild, Renew and Rejoice

We have Just got back from our first experience of an Aspley Corps(church) retreat. We had a fab time chilling out as a group, playing silly games, eat loads and staying up late! The theme of Rebuild, Renew and Rejoice (based on the book of Nehemiah) was both encouraging, informative and challenging.

Sop what did I get out of it.
Rebuild: I know that there are things in my life that I need to put higher on my priorities list. I need to make sure that they are priorities that edify the kingdom and not just because I like doing them.
Renew: I need to delegate more jobs to people in the church. I have already given one job out to somebody that will free an hour or so of my week.
Rejoice: I give thanks for all the challenges of being a church lead. On the Sunday morning I felt overwhelmed by the burden yet the joy of being the leader at Aspley. It has been a privilege to see God at work and to see foundations being laid for the future.

God's kingdom is near, nearer than we probably think.


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