Saturday, January 05, 2008


I went to see I am legend last weekend. What a film! I loved it from start to finish. Will Smith was excellent and brought the whole character to life and believable! I can't wait to see it again. I won't spoil what happens, just go and see it for yourselves. The ending is slight weak, it all happens a bit quickly but it is still rather emotional!
At about the same time I had just finished "Intelligent Church" by Steve Chalke. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is frustrated by their church, those who believe their church should do more or just wanting themselves to live out a more together significant Christian life. It was a really easy read but challenged me at the core of my understand about church and it's mission in the world.
Having watched "Legend" and finished "Intelligent Church", it raised in me a question. What "legend" does the church leave on our communities? What do people remember about us? What do people assume they know about us? I don't believe the church should create a legend that makes it look good but be a legend that makes God look good, a legend that means something maybe even just to one person.
I have been challenged to assess not only what I do and why, but how? Let me give you an example. I believed that if I spent time with non-christian friends that I could help them become Christians. A noble cause but I have completely missed the point. My role is to love them for the people that they are not what I want them to be. No agenda, no goal, no evaluation just love. This, I pray, will be my "legend."

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