Friday, January 11, 2008

Go Go Power Rangers!!!!

"The christian message is not about transcendence and power, but about weakness, vulnerability and powerlessness." (Drane, 2000:13)

I found this quote this week whilst reading for an assignment at College. I love it, i buy in to it!! But i have to be honest and say that I am not sure that I live it!! This idea of being vulnerable seems to go against a lot of what I have been taught about church ministry. I have been told, "don't get to close" or "you need to detach yourself form the people." This has always made me feel very uncomfortable, it goes against who I am. For me, it goes against the purpose of the church and its ability to bring about transformation with in communities. The church seems to quake at even the idea of being vulnerable with each other in the fellowship, let alone strangers.
I don't believe for one moment that we should let people walk all over us (That achieves nothing for anyone) but I am beginning to realise that we need to put ourselves in harms way so that the gospel is clear and real to those who cross our paths.


P.S My next post will answer the questing I set two post ago!!

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