Monday, January 14, 2008

Vicar to stand for council!

Lizzy and I watched the Vicar of Dibly last night - the one where Geraldine stands for the local council against David Horton. This was just the example I needed to help me answer the question I set a few posts ago. "How much should the church be involved in politics?" and "how can we be involved in politics?".

It is clear to me that faith and politics should not be kept apart, in fact they go hand in hand. Politics and church, at their best, are about transformation. That does not mean that Christians make the best politicians but it does mean that Christian need to be involved in politics both locally and national. Political agendas, whether we like it or not, are here to stay and make significant impact on the moral and ethical environment of you and me! We may not understand the terminology but we will experience the impacts.

For example: The "opt out" proposal for organ donations; ID cards, Identity fraud, Hospital cleaning, human cloning, recycling, Education systems etc

We are not inumuune to the effect of decisions made by the goverment (not just our own). We have to relate and seek to unstand the reasons and implictions through diaolgue, newspapers, the internet, Prime Ministers questions and blogs. All are good sources of insight in to the world of politics and provide the church with oppertunitys for interaction.


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