Saturday, January 19, 2008

Is Planting for me?

It don't really enjoy gardening, so why on earth would I want to plant something??

Obviously, I am not talking about flowers but church planting. Last week I was let out of the college to attend the "First steps in church planting" conference. It was a great few days listening to the speakers go through the various aspect of the what, where and why of planting!

The thing that struck me was the need for any expression of the church to a) know it's context and b) be relevant to it's context. I would love to go and plant church but that is not for me to decide (two weeks Thursday til we find out where we are going). If I do, I know that our responsibility is to discern the heart of God already at work in peoples lives and jump on board and play an active role in his impressive story. If I go to an established corps, my prayer is that through prayer, vision and obedience, I will see just where God needs the presence of His people.


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