Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Taking to the streets

I have given up my car for driving to the church for lent in an attempt for me to do more walking and save some money. One of the things that has also been good is having some time to myself either silently or with my ipod with the occasional hello to those people who stole by.
On Monday evening as I was walked home, I walked past the local C of E church where they were in full swing with bell ringing practice. I took of my ipod to listen and I have to say they were pretty good. As I popped my ear phone back in Matt Redman's "take it to the streets" came on.
What a contrast between the bells calling people to come and worship and a song challenging us to GO and worship on the streets.


1 comment:

cluburbia said...

what a contrast indeed. and what food for thought...