Sunday, March 08, 2009

No second generation!

Whilst watching the cricket (which England look unlikly to win) I was reading my current book "Total Church" by Tim Chester and Steve Timmis. It very interesting and challenging my thoughts about church. One such sentance has stopped me in my tracks and I had to blog about it.

They said "There need be no second-generation churches if the church is constantly re-configuring itself through church planting."

The Salvation Army has in the past been successful at growing its congregations by keeping families in the SA and their children "coming through the ranks." Yet our numbers are in decline, churches are struggling to survive and attract people to its fellowship. Have we been guilty of seeking to maintain the SA/church fellowship rather than be confident to growing and dreaming of what the SA could be. Being a forth generation Salvationist maybe I am to blame.

How do established churches break out and seek to focus on community and mission without losing faith, committed people from its fellowships who are use to the way things are. But is that a good enough reason not to investigate planting? Surely a church plant in essence is a second-generation church!

All I know is that we need to look at all the options and be ready to change.


1 comment:

Johnny said...

Good to read your thoughts on this, Matt