Friday, June 06, 2008

Changing the world!

Is it possible for individuals to influence that change? How can I, as one person, do anything that will make a difference peoples lives? Is it possible for the world to change a all?
A lot of my reading lately has been around this issue of justice, making a difference and bring hope into hopeless situations. Jim Wallis has presented me with a challenge to make a difference and be a positive voice of God in my community.
In his book, Seven Ways to Change the World he sets out the need for the church he sets out, at great depth, the role of the church in the world, specifically politics. He says; "If the great mountains of greed, injustice, and indifference are to be moved, they will most likely be pushed aside by the mustard seeds of faith" (Wallis, 2007:23).
On Wednesday I heard a SA leader say that social action/justice was just a buzz phrase and only one dimension of the churches role. I could not disagree more, I believe that it is at the very heart, the very centre of the gospel and the church mission in the world today. I can be honest enough to say that I am not engaged as I should be with social justice but I want to be and believe I have to be.
My next few blogs entries will reflect my thoughts and preparation of a journey I believe I am about to embark on.


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