Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This is your life

I was leaving my coaching session of the Beacon Under 13's carrying two footballs when one of the lads asked for one of them. I said "no", and so he asked why. My reply was along the lines of: "it was dark, there were cars around and that I was about to put them in my car." He then added but "I want one." I replied once again to his question with "sometime we don't always get what we want and we have to do things we don't want to." Smart, so I thought. He then said "I only wanted the ball not your life story!"
This young lads comment has kept coming back to me in the last week because I think it has a lot to teach us about how the church relates it faith, beliefs and values to those around us. I think we have something people want even if they don't realise it. Something that is good, precious and liberating. My relationship with God is what sustains me, drives me and empowers me to be the person I am and will be. I highly recommend it!
I recognise that the church has finds itself in a difficult cultural climate, where people have become sceptical about religion, organised groups and also the church. It is not easy being a Christian but that's the point, it not supposed to be. My belief is that people want to share their life stories with others (christian or not), people want to be in community with one another but have forgotten how.
The church needs to rediscover its confidence in telling it's stories, and then get out of its buildings and share them.

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