I have been prompted by a few people in my church to think once again about the purpose of music in church, as part of our worship expression. Having grown up in the Salvation Army music has always been a part of my worship tradition/experience. Whether brass, coral singing and congregational sing of songs (all ages) it has seemed that music is central to drawing people closer to God in times of worship.
But is music that important to worship? Does the style matter? Of course it doesn't but the reality is that there is always music in the church so how we use it must be right. My experience has taught me that it is easy to be in a music groups in a church and have no understanding of worship or faith. So often the music (or the musical group) becomes more important than the focus of the worship. The style is irrelevant, although I recognise that people connect with different styles for different reasons, because it is the purpose that should drive the people taking part in the music. Playing your part with your heart and mind focused on Jesus, no matter how small, is what is required to best serve those you are leading.
My questions to anyone involved in music group(s) in church would be; If there was no music group(s) would you still be part of the church? If there was pure silence, could you still worship?
If the music becomes more important then I would rather we stay silent.