Monday, February 04, 2008

Let the count down commence.

Well, here it is! Appointments week!
If anyone is reading his who is unfamiliar with the Salvation Army, this is the week when all its Officers and Officers to be, find out if and where they will be moving to in July!
For Lizzy and I Thursday will bring so many emotions with it. Not only are we excited about moving to a new house, a new area and a church but also rather quite scared at the same time. We believe (other wise we wouldn't be doing this) that God has had His hand in our journey all along and we trust Him. But it is still hard to sometimes see that and know it. We have got this far, why should we doubt that God will place us where He wants us and it for us to work through the why over the coming months if not years!

Watch this space for the out come!!


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