Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I think it maybe broken!

On reflecting on my post on the cost of the US elections and a couple of lecture at college, I have been reflecting on just how broken our world is. It seems to me that humanity today doesn’t even realise just how broken it has become. People seem to have either begun to ignore it or accept it as the "norm."
What are we (the church) to do? Do we make people aware that they are broken or do we pick them up once they realise?
My gut feeling is that we need to do a bit of both. We need to be proactive in raising issues of morals and ethics within our society but also responding to the impact that these have had already. For example: we need to be a church that is open in it dialogue about Genetic Engineering and the implications that that have upon our moral framework as Christians. We need to make sure people understand the purity and uniqueness of God's creation and how he has made everything as He wanted and we should not try and replace his good work. Yet, we need to be mindful of those who could benefit from such revolutionary medical advances i.e. Dementia, Parkinson’s and other debilitating illnesses.
As a Christian I am not exempt from brokenness, I have experienced it in my own life but I am also a testimony to the power of prayer and passion of others to see that I can be rebuilt and renewed.


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