Thursday, December 13, 2007

Just Pray!!!!!!

Can we ever "just" pray?

This word has been challenging me over the last few weeks about my prayer life and how I pray. I have heard people so often say "we are just going to pray" or "shall we just pray. Just Pray!!! Isn't there more to it than that, isn't it bigger than that. I just check my emails, I just phone a friend or just make a coffee. Surely pray is more than just speaking to God, more than a last resort or more than a menial task.

Or is it?

Pray should be not something that is set a side for certain people or for certain times but a intergrated part of our spiritually well-being and experience. Pray is what keep us in tune with our maker the one who is on the other end of our prayers. Pray is not an excact science but a act of faith, who are we to judge the right and wrong way to pray.

I have really been enlightened whilst reading "Prayer, Does it make any difference?" by Phillip Yancey. His book has helped me think deeply about what I believe pray is and isn't. The book is hard work but has opened up my understanding and allowed God to speak to me about my own prayer life.

The word "just" is something that I still have to work through but I am more convinced than ever about the nessecity to speak to the One who made prayer possible about anything and everthing.


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