Friday, September 25, 2009

Where would Jesus Shop

We went for our 20 week scan on Tuesday (22/09/09). Whilst waiting for the scan, Lizzy found this little snippet in the Metro that was left in the waiting room.

It was in reference to the Bishop of Reading saying that the Church of England should be less like Marks and Spencer and more like Aldi. I love the idea that Jesus would stand in the queue at Aldi. An interesting sentiment which on the face of it I would agree with but I have a couple of issues.
First, I would have to say that M & S is a positive role model for reducing it's carbon emissions and ethical trading. This is something that I would encourage and support.
Secondly, and more importantly its makes some assumptions about the people who go to Asda or Aldi. Is it only the poor that shop at these places or that we should just go to Aldi because the poor are there. For me, I shop at our local co-op as much as possible and because of that have got to know a few of the staff well. I also see a number of other people who I know from football, parents and toddlers, the drop-in and general other stuff.
I don't use the co-op because of the type of person who uses it but who uses it. Local people. Maybe the issue is more about where our churches are, the focus of our mission or the places in which our congregations live.

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