Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Finding Christ..........

"It's easy to see Jesus in Jesus people but we are called to see Jesus in everyone, even our enemies or people not like us" Rob Bell

I heard this quote whilst walking the streets delivering envelops for the Salvation Army annual door to door collecting. The money raised goes towards our Social Services in the UK. For some this is fills them with dread for others (like me) they quite enjoy it. The SA is involved in some great work throughout the UK from hostels to charity shops, Addition projects to working with prostitutes.

In contrast, this week I have also come in to contact with a family of 7 (mum and 6 children) who have fled a difficult situation and been housed in a council home. They have very little, the child have not been given school places yet and they were over the moon with the 2 bags of clothes and a football that I delivered yesterday.

Immediately, the quote from Rob Bell lept into my mind. It is so easy for me to "do my Job" and not get emmotional or attached to people and their needs. It is easy for us all to hide behind the SA and the "good works" that it does. We need to go beyond that and see everyone as Christ would, we need to get out of the comfort of our church buildings, even our own homes and be prepared to love those we find.

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