Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ice berg anyone......

As I was preparing to come back to the WBC college, I looked out of the window to see that snow was desending. I shouted to Lizzy "hey, it's snowing", but she seamed to ignore this until we stepped outside when she said "hey, it really is snowing."

In reflection to my question in my previous post, I have begun to realise that the church would benifit from a similar experience. It easy to hear from people what the world is like, we can pigeon hole people as modern, post-modern, new-age, townies etc but until we get out and amongst it we will never fully realise just what it all means.

That is all very well but how does that answer my question about the effect context has?

On the train the image of an iceberg popped in to my head. Usually only 10% of the beautiful Iceberg is visible and the rest is under the surface. The church is similar; we need to be in context (the 10%) but the rest of it underpins who we are and what makes us distinct. It is obvious to say that the church should not be submerged or top heavy but finely balanced between the needs of the world and the life that we are asked to live out but Jesus in it!

So how does that work? How can we be " in the world but not of the world"? (John 17)


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