Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Now but not yet (1)

I am currently reading Rob Bells book “Love Wins”. It is a typically questing and searching book that helps Christians we think faith on a number of different levels. One thing that stuck out in chapter 3 was this quote by Bell when talking about we can see heaven on earth; “This is what happens when the future is dragged into the present.” I was struck by the hope in this complex idea and the need for our lives to be ones prepared to drag that future into our present. Lives lived in such hope that people cannot mistake the touch of heaven, a expression of true love and a act of humility by Gods people. This is the kind of world I believe in but sadly rarely see.

This concept brings great challenge for us that confess to be followers of Jesus. If we are serious about changing our world then we have to be seen as someone that a future with Jesus has changed. We cannot rest at trying to resolve cleaver or contentious arguments about the reality and existence of God but we need to live our lives that reflect our beliefs and leave people in no doubt of where are hope lay. This is not simply about our future but the future of others. Our Family, Friends, Work colleagues, Class mates and House mates. These and many others have no idea what a future with God looks like because we have not shown them.

So how do we show them this future? What does it mean practically? Where do I start? Here are a few ideas to try? The secret is to persist and remember whose future we are dealing with.

1. Pray for someone you know who is unaware of the amazing future we have with God. Choose a work colleague, close friend and pray consistently and persistently.
2. Hang out with people that don’t know God? Maybe you need to be released from things you do in/at church to do this?
3. Join a club. You are allowed to do something you enjoy!
4. Get training on how to share your experience and faith in God. This could be in the form of a book or formal course.

Whatever you do, do something! God doesn’t want anyone to miss out on a future with him.


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