Thursday, December 17, 2009

Am I a nutter?

The short answer to the questions is probably "yes" I am a nutter. For one; I support Southampton, two; I love jigsaws and three; I have rediscovered the joy of Lego at the age of 30. For many in the world, this would suggest I am a nutter.
Tony Blair was asked about how his faith impacts his politics. His reply was along the lines of; if you talk about your faith in this system, people tend to think your a nutter. Recently, "The Archbishop of Canterbury has accused the government of treating religious faith as an "eccentricity" practised by "oddities"."

So am I nutter or an oddity because I am someone who has faith? Of course I am! On the face of it, believing in something (God in our faith) you can't see, touch, smell or hear is strange, slightly odd. I could go into all the arguements about God being in all things because he is the creator but that still doesn't make it "normal". In the last couple of weeks I have had 3 or 4 strange faces pulled at me when I told them I am a "vicar". Aparently, I don't look like one and seem a bit to normal to be one. Having faith in God isn't rational, I don't believe faith is surposed to be rational as it wouldn't be faith. That would make it religion.
If being a Christian makes you a nutter, then why are there so many nutters in the world?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

as you say, short answer...Yes. Not really got a comment other than agreement really.

Not sure though if your tags at the bottom of the post were meant like this but I love the statement; Blair! faith nutter!