Thursday, July 23, 2009

Christian Mission

On Tuesday as part of the Mission Week we had a discussion evening about mission. One comment really challenged all of us. What would we be like if the Salvation Army had kept it's name as the Christian Mission? Obviously it is a bit of a "what if" question where we will never know and can't do anything about it.
But for me, It raised a whole host of question about the current state of the SA and it's mission. Have we become a irrelevant/cumbersome organisation? Are we more concerned with being an Army in our barracks rather than a group of missionaries? Are we now deeply bound by the trappings of the past that we will never break free to be the radical, passionate and transformational people that William Booth raised up?

I have been encourage this week by the 4 young people that have come on Mission Week. They have restored my hope for the future of the SA in Aspley and in Northampton. Ultimately, there is nothing in a name, it is up to it's members to discern the heart and desire of God for it and get on with it, which is what they have done.

I pray that I keep learning how to be a missionary in all I do.


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