I would say that I understand that anything can be worship but usually my example would be sport. In this instant it has taken a week to reflect on the nearness in which I now realised God was with me as I dug, drank tea and chatted with Lou (the estate manager). The thing that struck me is that there was no order of service, songs to sing (apart from an impromptu rendition of O happy day), band, PowerPoint or even a congregation. As we prayed on the Saturday at the end of the week we all experience what I would describe as a "holy moment" a moment where we realised God had indeed been with us and would remain at Stepney Court.
What made the week even more significant is that we had our 12 week scan and all is well this time. Unfortunately, I missed it as parking was a nightmare. But I don't care because everything is good, in fact it is brrrrriiiilliant (in a high pitched Matt voice). It had been an anxious few weeks, after going through a miscarriage in March, but this time it is all going to plan. I am really excited about being a dad in February an keep praying that God will bless Lizzy over the coming months.
I don't need songs to give thanks and praise to a creator God who keeps his word. He isn't limited by them so neither should we.