Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Make room for Jesus

I got this from a brochure of christian literature that I got this week. There were a number of them of a similar theme.
What struck me was the way it depicts our lives being departmentalised and Jesus being just one part. To say I disagree with it (and therefore will not be buying one) is an understatement. It says to me that these things are OK but Jesus isn't in them. That surely diminishes God's ability to be in all things. I think that God loves sport, jobs, films as much as we do and He is in them too.
Maybe the poster should read "Whatever you get up too, Jesus is there to."

Friday, April 24, 2009

Season review.

I have been playing for a local Saturday pub football team called "The Beacon." I found the team by wondering over the park and asking the first team I saw if they needed some players. Since then I have had some interesting, frustrating and funny times with them over the season. I even managed one goal and a couple of assists (In 5 starts and a number of short sub appearances) and a appearance in the Senior Cup Final.

As soon as I got a start in the team (which was usually because we were short), the next week someone would turn up who would be more upset than me if they didn't play so I was dropped! This didn't happen once but a number of times. I know I am not the best player in the team but I was only missed 3 games due to other commitments. Lizzy was very patient with me as I turned up home 3 weeks in a row having "run the line" and not played.
Yet I have learnt much and enjoyed it (most of the time). The first few games I felt like a real outsider. In the pub the conversation was not one I would usually have and the language was colourful to say the least. Our manager is one of the few people that can string a sentence together with just swear words and still make sense.
I learnt what it means to feel excluded and be a part of a different culture which I do not feel comfortable in. They have nicked named me the Vicar and keep asking for me to pray for the water so that it is "Holy" and to pray for the win! I have even been asked to dedicate 2 babies whilst on the sidelines (I must follow that up).
I look forward to next season to continue the relationships and allow God to keep teaching me what I means "to be in the world but not of it."

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Vision over Visibility

I am a huge U2 fan (going to see them in August) and always buy their latest album. On of my favorites is called "moment of surrender" which I have listened to an awful lot. The line that has got me thinking a lot recently is this line; "At the moment of surrender of vision over visibility."

Why? Because it has made me think about my life as a follower of Jesus and as a leader of a church. Sometimes it feels like the visibility is limited or non-existent in our relationship. We wonder where we are headed, what is going to happen next and are we doing the right thing. I have been questioning myself a lot recently about what I need to prioritise in my life and what our church should be doing to be effective in Aspley.

I even though the visibility maybe poor, the vision is not. The vision of a community connected in Jesus, with each other and for each other is very much alive. Our vision sustains us, it bring hope and passion to keep on going. It breathes life in to our being to get on and do what is required for the kingdom. The vision demands us to surrender to God's plan and let him loose on our lives.
This post may not make much sense to you but its where I find myself and where God finds me too.