Thursday, September 25, 2008

Blogging and Running

Since moving to Nottingham I have neither blogged on been running. This is my attempt to at least have a go at doing one of them!! To be fair though I have been playing football (all be it as a sub for two 15 min cameo appearances!).

I have quite a lot that I should be blogging about but don't seem to have had the motivation to do it. There is the credit crunch, the Ryder cup, Zimbabwe, the US elections and the Political Conference season.

It was Brown's speech that interests me. I thought it was pretty good, I thought Brown himself was quite good. I was impressed with his emphasis on fairness and justice for all not only in this country but also across the world. He seems genuine in his passion to eradicate poverty by 2020. Some people may see this as political opportunism, some may see it as naiete or a mere pipe dream. Yet as a christian, my hope is that he is right, that it is possible and in my life time. It is not easy. We live in a world that is currently sufering from people greed of wealth and status. These core values surly must change if poverty is to be assigned to history.

I look forward to Cameron's response next week.


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